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3 months - 18 months
Introduction to swimming where parent and babe learn together getting the child used to the water. Builds confidence through Songs, movement also covers early skills and development.
18 months - 2½ years
A progressive class where parents assist in the learning process. Developing independent swimming skills and moving more freely around the Pool.
2 - 3 ½ years
A transitional class from Toddlers lesson to the next step away from parent in the water.
2½ - 4½ years
Children progress in a fun and friendly atmosphere towards their Stanley Badges 1-4.
Ducklings Adv
2½ - 4½ years
Children progress more independently using floats and woggles for aids. Children are required to be able to travel on front and back 5 metres unaided.
Developing basic safety awareness, the ‘Class’ scenario, basic movement skills & water confidence skills, swimmers may use aids, e.g. Woggles, floats etc.
Fishes Adv
Developing safe entries to the water including jumping in, basic floating, travel front & back up to a distance of 5 metres, plus rotation to regain upright positions.
Developing safe entries including submersion travel up to 10 metres on their front & back, progress rotation skills and water safety knowledge. At this stage the swimmer will be assessed without the use of aids & support.
Developing the understanding of buoyancy through a range of skills, refining kicking technique for all strokes, and swimming 20 metres to a given standard as directed by the STA.
Developing and working on technique on all strokes and swimming 50 metres to a given standard as directed by the STA. Building stamina, to work towards swimming lengths.
Developing ‘Watermanship’ through sculling and trading water skills and complete rotation, also performing all strokes for a distance of 100 metres to the given standards as provided by the STA within the ILSP resources.
Developing effective swimming skills including co-ordinated breathing across all strokes for a distance of 200 metres using a stroke of the swimmers choice, developing the water safety aspects & learn basic personal survival skills.
Developing quality stroke technique up to 400 metres, incorporating skills already learnt, also learning basic personal survival skills.
Junior Lifeguard Training
Lifesaving skills introduced in a fun and structured atmosphere, for all 7 + years. Get involved in exciting new aquatic activities and develop first aid, survival and rescue skills
If you would like to discuss your child’s progress, or have ideas on how to help your child learn more effectively, please contact the Reception Manager/Swimming Academy Co-Ordinator Rachael Barrett on 01202 777766 or email rbarrett@thejunctionbroadstone.co.uk. We welcome your questions and feedback. Classes are 30 minutes in duration and follow the STA Swim Awards Scheme.
Monday – Sunday Lessons
Course Fees / Dates
Junior Members: £78.00
Non-Members: £91.00
Start Date: W/C 6 January 2025
Finish Date: W/C 31 March 2025
Duration: 13 weeks
Junior Lifeguards
Start Date: W/C 6 January 2025
Finish Date: W/C 31 March 2025
Duration: 13 weeks
Enrolment Fee: £13.00
Junior Gold Members: £5.20
Non Members: £5.95
Dates to note
- Re-enrolment week: W/C 9 December 2024
- Last week of classes for present term: W/C 16 December 2024
- Change of day or time: Monday 16 - Sunday 22 December 2024
- New swimmers may book: Monday 23 December 2024 onwards
- Badge Week: W/C 16 December 2024
Swimming Academy Info
- Please do not arrive no more than 5 minutes before your child’s lesson.
- Children must arrive in their swim wear, swim hats on and goggles in place if necessary.
- Children not to be on poolside until the lesson commences.
Telephone Booking System
- Re-enrolments can now be completed by phone on 01202 076404
- Phone booking system in place from Monday 9 - Friday 20 December 2024.
- Phone bookings taken Monday - Friday between 09:00 - 16:00 ONLY.
- Full payment required to secure swim academy spaces. Debit/Card card details required.
- Re-enrolments can also be taken at Reception.
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